The Tourist
Founder & Editor

The Tourist works as an independent publishing house and newsprint publication, with a creative focus on music and travel. Delivering original photoessays and long-form journalism, the first issues featured The xx on tour across 4 different continents, as part of an ongoing collaboration, with sponsorship from VANS and Urban Outfitters. Other issues have profiled underground PUNK scenes and TEENAGERS, with exclusive coverage of Justin Bieber during one of his early tours through local malls in Europe and America.

http://www.the-tourist.orgBuy in Store
The Tourist
Founder & Editor

The Tourist works as an independent publishing house and newsprint publication, with a creative focus on music and travel. Delivering original photoessays and long-form journalism, the first issues featured The xx on tour across 4 different continents, as part of an ongoing collaboration, with sponsorship from VANS and Urban Outfitters. Other issues have profiled underground PUNK scenes and TEENAGERS, with exclusive coverage of Justin Bieber during one of his early tours through local malls in Europe and America.

http://www.the-tourist.orgBuy in Store
The Tourist
Founder & Editor

The Tourist works as an independent publishing house and newsprint publication, with a creative focus on music and travel. Delivering original photoessays and long-form journalism, the first issues featured The xx on tour across 4 different continents, as part of an ongoing collaboration, with sponsorship from VANS and Urban Outfitters. Other issues have profiled underground PUNK scenes and TEENAGERS, with exclusive coverage of Justin Bieber during one of his early tours through local malls in Europe and America.

http://www.the-tourist.orgBuy in Store